Beautiful pics of Claudia Wells and Kelly Nash feet & legs

Claudia Wells, an American actress was born and brought up at Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. She is now based in San Francisco CA. Wells was made famous by her appearance on the film Back to the Future film in the role of Jennifer Parker Marty McFly's girl best friend. Additionally, in 1985 Wells was a co-star in Stop the Madness an anti-drug music video that was financed by the Reagan administration that featured a number of famous performers and athletes. The following year she appeared on the tv film Babies Having Babies and played the lead in the show that ran for a short time Fast Times a television adaptation of the cult 1982 film Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Claudia took time off from acting, despite her being on an upward trajectory in her career. Her mother was just diagnosed as a cancer survivor. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia Wells has earned over 50 credits across television, film and theater. However, she believes that her best on screen career is still ahead of her. Her goal is to find edgy characters who are not afraid to challenge the status quo and challenge the status quo. Claudia Wells is a prestigious male clothing store that is known as Armani Wells. You can find out more by visiting the site

Kelly Nash is an American journalist and broadcaster with huge fan base. Kelly Nash is the sports reporter and journalist on behalf of MLB Networks. Based in South Carolina, Kelly grew as a teenager and attended college in Clemson University. After that, she received a Masters degree in Broadcast Journalism at the University of Miami. Kelly was fascinated by TV and was enthralled by its glamour. From her early childhood, she dreamed to become an editor for one of the networks. Right after finishing her education she began working for ACC Digital Network as a Production Assistant and as an intern. Then she moved towards Fox Sports Florida after her training and then started working at Fox Sports Sun. She worked very hard to make it to the top in MLB Network, one of America's biggest sports channels. The co-host of the show is on 'The Rundown the show airing on the network. The actress is also a huge admirer of the show and is constantly connected via social media.

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